Five ways to boost business with your 2021 calendar

Five ways to boost business with your 2021 calendar

Gifting clients branded merchandise is GOOD. Very good, in fact – it’s likely to result in 94% of them remembering your company name for at least six months, according to the BRITISH PROMOTIONAL MERCHANDISE ASSOCIATION.

But if you want to go one step further and smash that six months out of the water, get them a calendar. You can pretty much guarantee it’ll be hanging on their wall or desk for double that length of time. Plus, people actually use them – they offer real value while promoting your business, every day of the year. Result!

You won’t want any old calendar up there, though…

Want to keep it simple? It’s easy. Templates exist – just pick a theme and add your logo. Want to be clever about it? Create a calendar that’ll lead to sales. Just follow our top five tips:

1. Make them feel like VIPs
Whether you’re going for daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally, add exclusive offers they can’t resist to your calendar design. Timing is key here (B&Q wouldn’t have an offer for lawn mowers on their November page, would they?) so it’s your chance to sell the right thing to the right people at the right time.

2. Add your diary dates – and get them to attend
Planning a big promotion? A virtual lunch ‘n’ learn? An AGM? You have the power to put it in your clients’ diaries! Don’t forget to add a creative incentive for calendar owners only to make sure they get involved.

3. Get them to buy in to your brand
You’re on their desk – but you want to be on their screen too, because repetition drives sales. Use calendar space to promote your social channels, e-mail newsletter, blog and app if you have one (adding a QR code will make this super-simple). Got space for more info? Explain the benefits of each.

4. Solve their problems
Improve your clients’ lives (in a way that’s relevant to your product or service, of course) by adding a tip or trick each month. Make it relevant to your target market and to the season. Looking to B&Q again, they’d be adding a grass-growing intel in spring and talking Christmas tree care at the end of the year. It’s nice to be nice, and people buy from people who are nice. Watch the sales roll in…

5. Make them want to display it
Content aside, top-notch design, on-point branding and high-quality print is what’ll get you on the desk or wall, instead of into the recycling bin. Enough said.

One final thought: with a calendar, you’re paying just pennies for a strong, 365-day advert campaign. Where else will you get that kind of ROI?

And one final tip: get ready in plenty of time! You want to make sure your calendar – and not your competitor’s – is the one that gets pride of place in 2022.


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