Do your bit to push mental health up the Aberdeen agenda – it’s really easy

Do your bit to push mental health up the Aberdeen agenda – it’s really easy

Mental health has never been more important. And the challenges of COVID-19 definitely don’t help matters. With (statistically) one in every four Scots set to experience mental ill-health at some point in their lives, support is ESSENTIAL. Beyond essential, actually, if there was a word for that.

So, what better way to emphasise that it’s okay not to be okay (especially at the moment) than sticking MHA’s logo on the one thing everyone wants right now? Yep, you guessed it – the MHA SQUAD Snood has landed! *

Now it’s your turn. PLEASE do your bit to keep mental health on the radar locally:

MHA offers vital help to those who are struggling – but only if they know about it. Support from you (the public, local businesses and other organisations) can bridge that gap and help A LOT.

If wearing your MHA snood signposts just one person to the life-changing services offered by Mental Health Aberdeen, then your job is more than done.

Come on, get involved.

Five things you need to know about Mental Health Aberdeen:

  • It’s been there for us all for the last weird and wacky while – and for 70 years before that.
  • As a charity, it just couldn’t function without a totally amazing and dedicated staff, volunteers and stakeholders.
  • Services promote people as they work towards their goals, and include information, counselling, befriending and carer support.
  • Not just about the services, promoting positive mental health to all (MHA snoods are a great example of this!) is key.
  • It’s here for YOU. If you or someone you know is struggling or just feeling a little low, call the advice line on 01224 573892. And if there’s no answer? Leave a message – they’ll get back to you.

Five things you need to know about SQUAD Snoods:

  • Snood, neck tube, face covering, face scarf, neck warmers… it’s all of those.
  • The designs are created and printed right here in Aberdeen.
  • Right now, it’ll help protect you and those around you – but it offers LOADS beyond pandemic times. There are five other ways to wear, from a headband to a wristband to a bobble.
  • They’re super comfy – lightweight and breathable; quick-drying and wind-resistant.
  • Want to know more? Visit

* The Mental Health Aberdeen SQUAD Snood is priced at £15, with £2 going straight back into the charity’s important work in the city.

Want more info SQUAD Snoods? Or to place an order or enquire? Head to