10 Things I’ve Learned…

10 Things I’ve Learned…

Writing a blog has been on my to do list for more than a year so, to mark my two-year anniversary at XIC, I’m finally putting ‘pen to paper’.

Not sure whether I should admit it’s 9.30pm on a Tuesday evening as I type… I suppose it’s an indication of how much I’m enjoying working at XIC! I love the buzz of such a fast-paced industry and I’m grateful that Aberdeen seems to have picked up from the oil downturn (with the exception of the dip on Monday).

Anyway, I thought it’d be quite fitting to write about some of the things I’ve learned over the last couple of years.

So, here goes – in no particular order (and I should say that these are just my opinion. I’m aware not everyone will agree and I’m the first to admit there’s always room for improvement):

1)     Networking is very important. I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t dedicate time to meeting new people. It’s also beneficial to build relationships with business associates, share intel and ask for help… and it’s usually lots of fun! 

 2)     Your relationship with someone significantly changes after you’ve met them in person. Where possible I always try to meet prospects and clients face-to-face rather than just speaking on the phone or e-mailing.

3)     Sometimes, for various reasons, people won’t buy from you and that’s ok. Move on. Don’t waste time trying to persuade someone to give you a sale but be polite and keep the door open.

4)     At XIC, we like to give clients small but special thank you gifts throughout the year. Luckily, we’re a creative bunch and have come up with some pretty cool personalised gifts. These go down so well and we always get positive feedback. I’ve learned it doesn’t always have to be a physical item. It could be simply remembering to wish a client happy birthday (thanks to LinkedIn for the reminders!) or remembering their weekend plans and asking how they went.

 5)     Be helpful. Even if it doesn’t get you a sale. I’m a firm believer of what goes around comes around. Attract good karma!

 6)     Be authentic. In almost every aspect of life, we’re encouraged to fit in. But, actually, you want the people you’re contacting to like you for you. No one likes a bullshi**er. 

7)     Smile. No matter how stressful your day is, people enjoy talking to happy people.

8)     Sometimes you just need to swallow a frog! It’s very easy to concentrate on the tasks you’re comfortable with but I’m trying to take time to focus on the things I always push down the list. One big change for me this year was making (and keeping) an appointment with myself, so I schedule things like new business or follow up calls weekly in my calendar.

 9)     It can take a long time for someone to make a decision. Be patient but persistent (I’m good at the patient part but must do better with persistence).

 10) Honesty is the best policy. Every single time.